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7 Do’s and Don’ts for a successful Taxi Business during the COVID 19 Crisis

The COVID 19 pandemic has accelerated various lifestyle changes. One of them is the change in transportation preference. The emergence of taxi businesses as a trend is stipulating a higher demand. Also, young minds are taking this as an excellent opportunity to step into the world of entrepreneurship. But, investing in your startup during a time of crisis might seem like a risky option.

As a business owner, there are some good and bad practices that you should know. This blog discusses the dos and don’ts for a successful taxi business.


  • Go Contactless for payments

Taxi service in itself is a comfortable and seamless experience. So, why not the mode of transferring and accepting payments be the same?

One idea is to make use of contactless card machines. This ensures the safety and maintains zero contact. This idea is much healthier as credit card machines undergo frequent sanitization to curb the spread of the disease.

  • Cater to your customer expectations

Competitive analysis is a must. Strong research forms the basis of a productive taxi business. For the same, you should see what the competitive taxi providers are doing in various regions. Also, identifying what your customers expect from your business will help you develop similar strategies and offerings.

  • Abide by the Law

It is important over here to function for your customers’ convenience and maintain law and order. Due to the pandemic, there have been many regulations like single passenger travel, sanitization, and use of face shields, amongst others. So, understand that you can refuse to transport more than one passenger for everyone’s safety.

In general, also, it is better to function as per the lawful guidelines that relate to the licensing and permits. Also, make sure that the taxi driver is carrying all the valid vehicle documents.

  • Disinfect your Vehicle

The unfortunate pandemic times require you to take all health and safety maintenance steps. For the smooth running of your taxi business and ensuring proper health while rendering the services, you should go for applying disinfectant sprays to the vehicle. Make sure you are doing this both on the inside and outside and also, before beginning your trip and after completion.


  • Go for multiple passenger bookings

Group passenger bookings during the pandemic is a major challenge. But, it is equally important to establish and maintain cordial customer relationships. Hence, if you get a multiple passenger booking, try and make them understand the safety protocols as in demand during the pandemic, also, you can politely offer your assistance in helping them connect with another taxi in the area.

  • Deferred cleaning

As a professional, it’s not your job to be lazy. Cleaning should be a quick process and try not to defer it for later hours in the day as by then, the damage might have already taken place. So, disinfecting your vehicle before and after each trip booking, is a must. Taking your vehicle for a weekly car wash is an old trend. Instead, opt for sanitization, mat cleaning, air filter changes, and others, regularly.

  • Compromise

As you drive your passenger to the set destination, understand that it is your responsibility to make sure and not expose you or your passenger to the disease. Apart from motivating people to opt for masks, you should invest in masks, face shields, gloves, and sanitizers. As a frontline warrior, this page discusses that your customers are dependent on your services to avoid public transport. So, make sure you cover them in the best possible way.


Your efforts can make a difference to the passengers and push them to opt for taxi services during the pandemic confidently. Also, by ensuring your customers’ safety, you are indirectly investing in better goodwill for your taxi business with profitable returns in the future.

Through Mozilit, we help to transform the mobility market with effort and efficiency. We understand the importance of a right and strong team for a successful business and hence, develop similar solutions for you.

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